Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are you ready for some footbaaaalllll!

We are embarking upon the most important time of the year season. 5 years ago if someone would have asked me the importance of this time I would have said, "all the fall premiere shows!" (not that I'm not excited about those too..) but after being married to my fanatic of a husband I know better. When we were debating on moving away or staying in tulsa one of the top pro's on our pro's and con's list was TU football. he. is. obsessed. and the thing is...he is dragging me down with him. I am already awaiting sneaking all the tailgating food and walking to QT during halftime. For the next few know where we will be on a Sat. afternoon.


Agnes said...

How fun! I wish we could do something like that!You're gonna have fun!

Amy Awesome and Klaron Kool said...

klaron said he's jealous!! i still haven't been to a single Ohio state football game, but we do have season tickets this year so i'll probably be a good wife and go along with him. i warned him though that he'd be explaining every play of the game to me. way to support your husband lace.
love ya

Crystal and Steve said...

update blog. update blog:) update blog! update blog!! update blog!!! UPDATE THE BLOG!!!