Friday, September 26, 2008

Jason C. Carney, Esq.

Yesterday we went to Oklahoma City for Jason's swearing in...It was the last step to the long road that is Law School. I must say that the pressure and stress that Jason no longer has is a breath of fresh air! We are enjoying the evening and weekends that we have with him so much.
It was one of those days that after Jason requesting to be referred to as Esquire all day, Jack playing hide and go seek in the Supreme Court and Nolan wandering off into the restricted halls of the State Capital I wouldn't have traded this day in for anything in the world...I'm so proud.


webster said...

Congrats!! Your family is sooo cute!

Hepworth Family said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! When I opened your blog I thought I was looking at mine...we must have got our backgrounds from the same place:)

Breanne said...

WOW! congrats! the hard work is going to pay off!