Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Two totally random topics..So these are the two things that have been occupying my little mind lately..
1. the NCAA tournament, well not so much the tournament itself but my bracket and the wager I need to make with Jason asap...I can't really think of anything really good...I know I could say, "dishes for a week" or "the next 10 poopy diapers" but I want to think of something original. (my bracket looks pretty good so far, I have 12 picked out of the sweet 16..)
2. As I was up last night in horrible pain due to that womanly time of the month, I found myself asking, "I wonder if there is some kind of special secret or remedy that I don't know about to get rid of cramps? hmmm..maybe I'll put it on my blog.." At this point I'll take any advice out there..I'm desperate! (sorry it's a little personal, but as I said, I'm desperate)

Let me know what you think so my mind can rest easy tonight! thanks guys


Fig said...

Have you tried those Playtex heat therapy pads? I am in LOVE with them, or I was back when I got really bad cramps and still wore panties. But you could put on a pair of panties just for the occasion, I guess. Or use a hot water bottle or something. Heat seems to work for me . . .

christine said...


You know all the home remedies I've suggested over the years...can't help you there, but I can say....CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND JASON FOR GETTING A JOB, YEAH!!!!! Have you told Crystal yet?
Wish I could send you out to dinner and babysit tonite!!!
Love, MOM

Natalie said...

Oh man, I wish I would have read this earlier. Bracketology is my thing and I'm pretty much the bomb, plus I'm the bomb at coming up with good wagers. What did you end up doing? We are going to have a Final Four Party by the way, next Monday, it's on!