We are buried by the Bar Exam! Just memorize this little bit of material and you'll be fine! And we thought law school was bad! Jason leaves the house at 8:00 a.m. for work, spends the afternoons studying, attends Barbri class in the evening, and finally comes home at about 10:00 p.m. We have an occasional sighting of him on the weekends, but it's going to be a long summer. But passing the Bar will make it all worthwhile . . . right?
oh yuck! i have seen enough friends go through this to know that you need sympathy right now :) best of luck!!
That's a lot of books! Good luck!
"It will all work out" is what I tell myself, and it always does. I admire all ya'all's will and determination. You just keep plugging through each level... and now here you finally are preparing for the final exam.
Jason, we know you'll ace it!
I can relate - well, except I am seeing more of my husband - but the stress of the bar is unbearable. We too took a picture of the mountain that is the study aids - but he won't let me post it!
Are we going to see you and the wee ones this summer at all?? Come on... it's not like you see Jason anyway!!
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