Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up in the morning and ask yourself," where do I start?" I'm so bad at getting overwhelmed with all the things I need to do for that day that I just want to give up before I even begin..So this is where I need your help. I need advice on how to organize my life! I've tried to do the daily tasks, I've made myself lists, and I've just waited until the kids are in bed and knocked it all out in a couple hours...None of them have really stuck. These days Nolan is a little tornado that is dragging things all over the house while finding other things to get out on his way, laundry is piling up constantly and the dishes in the sick are never ending. This totally sounds like I'm complaining, but really...ok fine I'm complaining. Alright all you supermoms!!! Tell me what works for you!