Friday, December 15, 2006

Lions, and Tigers and Bears...

Hi everyone! Finals are finally over! We are so happy to be having somewhat of a break. Yesterday was Jasons first day without school, it was a beautiful day so we decicded to go to the zoo. We had taken Jack before but I think he is finally old enough to really understand. We was so excited he didn't know what to do with himself! He learned lots of new animal sounds and has been making them all morning. He isn't much of a talker, but he sure knows his animals! Hope everyone is doing well and I'll be posting more fun adventures we had throughout the week. Take care!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having fun! Anthony's been sick so we haven't done much of anything yet. Bummer, but hopefully he'll be better soon.

Anonymous said...

Lacy - It sounds like Max and Jack are in the same stage. He will say many of the animal sounds, but he will not say a word. I hope you are doing well. We miss everyone up there. Jeri