Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Here we go!

This is our family at Woodword Park, there is a beautiful rose garden there that I know you would love Grandma!

Just Jack and I being silly... he loves sticking out his tounge!

I have procrastinated long enough! I have decided to experiment with this whole blog thing and use this in place of a journal for awhile. I thought it would be kind of fun to share memories and this way everyone can see pictures of our little family:) Anyways, I'm hoping to post a little something on here about once a week or so. I know it's easy to forget about us being all the way in Oklahoma so I'm forcing all of you to remember us by reading about our lives once a week! I'm really excited to get this going and hopefully we won't be too boring for you.
For those of you who we haven't been in touch with for awhile I'll give you a quick update.. We are living in Tulsa Oklahoma where Jason (my husband) is going to The University of Tulsa College of Law. He is in his second year now. (yay one more to go!) I am staying busy by running after our son Jack who is now 16 months old and playing with all of my fabulous friends that I have made. At times it is a little tough because Jason is gone a lot. Law School takes up a lot of time but hopefully it will be worth it and he will love what he does. Ok well that's enough for now. Surely I'll have something to write about soon. Till then take care!


~Jen~ said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!

sara e.a.* said...

Lace, this is exciting! I'm glad that you decided to do this. Yay!!! It makes me feel a little bit closer to you...somehow. I like it!